ETS2020 Tallinn, Estonia
25th IEEE European Test Symposium
May 25 - June 1, 2020
Tallinn, ESTONIA


ETS 2020 Highlights - DAY 3

Today's special highlight is the Embedded Tutorial - "Analog Fault Simulation - a Hot Topic!" by Stephen SUNTER.

Automotive applications are driving the need for a systematic way to decrease analog test escape rates to 0 DPPM, while providing functional safety. This tutorial briefly reviews the history of analog fault simulation, from academic simulation of basic shorts and opens, to the advent of industrial analog defect/fault simulators. Then it addresses the two biggest problems: no industry-accepted fault model, and impractically long simulation time. The solutions are the proposed IEEE P2427 standard for analog defect coverage, for which a brief summary of its requirements is provided, and a variety of methods to reduce total simulation time.

Stephen Sunter is the Engineering Director for Mixed-Signal DFT at Mentor Graphics, a Siemens Business

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